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Greenleaf publishing, Sheffield, United Kingdom, pp. An Approach to Sustainable Product Development in SMEs. The Ecological Footprint from a Systems Perspective of Sustainability.

  • Holmberg, J., Lundqvist, U., Robert, K.-H., and Wackernagel, M., 1999.
  • Interfaces, International Journal of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, Volume 30, No 3, May-June 2000. Simplicity without Reduction – Thinking Upstream Towards the Sustainable Society. Perspectives,Volume 14, Number 1, March 2000. Fossil fuels and corporate economic risk assessment. Backcasting - a natural step when operationalising sustainable development.

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    Journal of Cleaner Production, 6, 289-298. The feasibility of including sustainability in LCA for product development.

  • Andersson, K., Hogaas, E.M., Lundqvist, U., and Mattson, B.
  • Robèrt, K.-H., Daly, H., Hawken, P., and Holmberg, J.
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    (ed.), Getting Down to Earth - Practical Applications of Ecological Economics, International Society of Ecological Economics, Island Press. In: Costanza, R., Olman, S., and Martinez-Alier, J. Socio-ecological principles for sustainability. (Also in Spanish in La realidad Economica, Buenos Aires.)

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    Socio-ecological indicators for sustainability. From the Big Bang to Sustainable Societies.

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